Monday, March 19, 2012

Invisible Competition Caused By the Price of Gasoline

ConocoPhillips refinery in Wilmington,0,4300163.story

These days, the price of gasoline keeps going up and there is no signal that shows it will stop at a particular time. The current highest price of gasoline is 4.48/gallon and it tends to be more.
When people feel the issue of the price of gasoline, they usually think about the efficiency of the administration of government. This leads to another controvisial topic in the society: the election of president.
The four candidates and the President Obama relatively talk about their own opinions on how to deal with the high price of gasoline. One of the candidates even promised that the price will go down to 2.5/gallon.
If you pay attention to these days votes, you will see that how intense the relationship between candidates are and how different their supports are. So catching the people's hearts and doing something really works for people is the priority of the president or the candidates who are trying to win this election.
Therefore, the price of the gasoline becomes the representitive of the part of the competition.
As I metioned above, a successful government is able to meet the requirements of its people while a bad governemnt only dictates its people. The election is not only a competition on the policy maker or law excutor, but also a competition on how to win the hearts and supports of the people.
As a resident of the city, I do want someone to make the price of gasoline drop and want a wise President to help people get a better life.

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